Jupyter Notebooks Introducing STMPY

To introduce STMPY you step by step and while executing code, we created a series of Python notebooks. You have two possibilities to run them

Alternative 1: Install Notebooks on Your Computer

In this solution, you run Jupyter on your own computer.

  • Install Jupyter Lab on your computer, following these instructions.
  • Install the STMPY library:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade stmpy
python3 -m pip install --upgrade stmpy

We also need our own widgets in the notebooks, so run the following two commands:

python3 -m pip install ipywidgets
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
python3 -m pip install ipywidgets
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension

Alternative 2: Use Binder

Binder runs notebooks online. Use this method if you have troubles running the notebooks on your own computer.


Run the Notebooks

The following notebooks will introduce you to STMPY step by step. At this time, you don't have to program anything on your own, just execute the cells and observe what's happening. So make sure you are not rushing through the cells too fast.

State Machines in Python - Part 1

  • Open the first notebook, stored in the file State Machines in Python - Part 1.ipynb
  • In this notebook you learn all the basics of state machines in STMPY.

State Machines in Python - Part 2

  • Work through the content of the notebook State Machines in Python - Part 2.ipynb
  • You learn how we build very simple user interfaces in notebooks. We also use signals to send data from the user interface into the state machine.

State Machines in Python - Part 3

  • Work through the content of the notebook State Machines in Python - Part 3.ipynb
  • You learn how you can also create states that have entry and exit actions.

State Machines in Python - Part 4

  • Work through the content of the notebook State Machines in Python - Part 4.ipynb
  • You learn how to support decisions in state machines using compound transitions.

Running state machines in Jupyter notebooks now is convenient because it provides you access to code and documentation step-by-step. For more comprehensive code and especially for your semester project we recommend to move away from notebooks and use normal Python programming instead.

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