Final System Specification, Code and Demo

System Specification

This contains all main parts of the delivery T1 and T2, with improvements as you see need, based on the feedback you received.

  1. Background
  2. Vision
  3. Objectives
  4. Stakeholders
  5. Use Case Sea-Level Overview
  6. Use Cases in Table Form
  7. Deployment Diagram
  8. Sequence Diagrams
  9. State Machine Diagrams
  10. Implementation Comments: This part is a brief comment on the implementation. How much of the demonstrated system actually works? What are the parts of the system you are most proud of, and which you want to highlight? This will usually fit on a single page.


Record a video or a screencast where you demonstrate the system.

  • Demonstrate the main use cases.
  • Don't worry too much about production quality, but focus on clarity and effectiveness of your demonstration.
  • Don't pretend to sell the system, just show what you did.
  • Expected length is under 5 minutes.
  • Do not include any video footage or music or other material that you do not own.


Provide the code of your system, ideally as a well-organized Git repository.

Questions and Answers

Document so that it is useful within your project for yourself, and maybe on places where you do something critical that benefits from explanation. Ideally the diagrams are the documentation of the code. We have not specifically covered coding conventions or style, so this is outside of the scope of the course.

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