Theme for 2023: Digital meets Physical Education

Imagine a university course that involves exercises in a lab, similar to what you are doing in the team activities on Monday afternoon.

Can you build a system that makes communication within the lab easier?

Here are some high-level ideas of functions:

  • How can student assistants and teachers get a live overview over the progress of each team?
  • How can we see which teams have missing students?
  • Which tasks are done? Which tasks are difficult? Which teams are stuck at a certain task?
  • How long does each task take, and can we collect historic information about task to estimate the remaining time in the lab?
  • Can we track progress during the RATs?
  • Managing breaks
  • Can there be CTF-inspired "leader boards" that update?

The idea is that most students are physical on campus and in the classroom or lab, not a fully digital setting. But it can be interesting if the solution would allow to help remote students (sick or away for another reason) could more easily join.

The system should not replace a complete learning system, which are mostly about handling documents or providing material.

You can use a Raspberry Pi with a SenseHAT as a hardware device, for instance to show the status at each table. If you have good ideas that require other hardware we can have a talk if we can incorporate them.

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